December 14th 2013



Present at meeting: Steve Lowe, Warren Lyon, John Owens, John Springer, Bob Pryor, and Dicksie Walker.

Call to Order by Steve Lowe.

Present Minutes from last meeting

The minutes were presented and approved. Motion to accept by John Owens, seconded by Warren Lyon.

Financial Report:


Receipts so far for the year are $2,875.00, all for current year dues except $300.00 from 2012 and $25.00 for 2014.


Disbursements so far for the year are $1,588.20 and are comprised of:

A) $1,280.11 Social.

B) $251.09 Trophies.

C) $57.00 Post Office Box Rent.

General Comments:

The cash balance of $19802.23 includes $14,087.50 in a capital reserve fund.

We have fourteen dues paying members in 2013.

Motion to accept Warren Lyon, second Bob Pryor, all in favor.


Old Business:

Cobb Creek Property

Dicksie stated that was no new information on potential property in Cobb Creek but it is still a possibility.The Walkers are still working on that and have not totally given up hope on Emerald Bay Marina.

Upcoming Christmas Party

Party will be at the Walker's home tonight. Potentially 16 people will be attending.

Upcoming Annual Meeting

The annual meeting will be held January 18, 2014, at Clear Springs at 6:30 PM. LPYC will pay for food but not alcohol.

Board Member Election Information

Warren Lyon and John Springer are up for reelection and both have stated they would stay on the board. John Springer confirmed he would continue as Treasurer. Bob Pryor agreed to be Vice Commodore. Lynn Easley has agreed to continue as Secretary. Warren and Steve will be discussing at a later date which one will run for Commodore.

New Business:

2014 Annual Dues

John Springer made a motion to keep the dues at $200 per year and maintain the balance of the Capital Fund. Second by Warren. Motion approved. John Springer will be sending out dues statements on January 1, 2014.



Motion to adjourn by Warren Lyon, Seconded by John Springer. Approved.