July 14th 2012
Present at meeting: Rick Walker, Warren Lyon, John Owens, Jim Stevenson, and Lynn Easley
Call to Order by Rick Walker.
Present Minutes from last meeting
The minutes were presented and approved. Motion to accept by John Owens, seconded by Warren Lyon.
Financial Report:
Currently have a cash balance $18544.96 of which $13,825. is in a capital reserve.
Twelve members who have paid dues in 2012.
Motion to accept the financial report by Warren Lyon, seconded by Jim Stevenson.
Old Business
Marina Updates:
The area the members surveyed in the north part of Salinas Bay would require much dredging to accommodate deeper draft boats.
Still awaiting a response from the lake authority on the area around Deep End near the dam.
The lots in Chimney Cove were brought up, but it appears they have all been sold, and were for single family homes.
New Business
Upcoming Social Events:
John Owens is going to contact the Geeziers to see if they would be interested to the lake in the September 22 time frame.
Rick Walker brought up restarting the Coyote Sam's monthly get together.
Also discussed having a fall raft-up around one of the full moons in either September or October.
Motion by John Owens. Seconded by Warren Lyon to adjourn. Approved.