January 21th, 2023



Present at meeting: Ben Hooks, Laura Hooks, John Springer, Patsy Montoya, Ashley Tackett, Steve Lowe, Rich Munson, Lynn Easley, Nat Hart, Elizabeth Hart, Dave Olson, Sheryl Olson, Jim Stevenson, Jan Stevenson, Joe Greco, Kandis Greco, Brent Boyle, Karen Boyle, Tom Roupe, David Kinsey, Paulia Moore, and Mark Bartlett.


Call to order by Ben Hooks

Approval of Minutes From Last Annual Meeting:


Lynn Easley presented minutes from the last annual meeting. The minutes were approved with a motion to accept by John Springer, and seconded by Steve Lowe.


Financial Report:


John Springer reported that we had receipts of $2,150.00 for the year, and disbursements of $1,547.98 for the year of 2022. The club currently has $16,326.11 balance. John Springer remarked in an unusual year, the club took in more than it spent, and would hopefully spend more in 2023.

Motion to accept was by Steve Lowe, seconded by Tom Roupe.




New Business


2023 Possible Events:


Ben Hooks listed possible events and asked for comments from the floor. Some of the events discussed were the Spring Fling, and Fall Turkey Race Regatta’s, and a series of races spanning the spring through fall. There was discussion on the location of the different races. Having races off the docks of Lake Palestine Marina is convenient for the boats located there, and requires less preparation in setting buoys and planning. But it is a long way for any other boats located on the lake. The main body of water usually has better winds and more room to set up 3 legs for a race. The location is closer to the mid point for all boats, with a 45 minute to 1 hour travel time for boats at the north end, and a slightly longer time for boats towards the south end of the lake. It was agreed to host the two regattas on the main part of the lake, and have the other series off the docks of Lake Palestine Marina, as they require less preparation to set up.

Ben Hooks also mentioned some type of treasure hunt for an event. Clues or riddles could be solved to lead to locations of the tokens, and who ever solved the most clues and collected the most tokens would win. Since most would be motoring, it would be a good summer time event.

Overnights on the lake was an event the club did in the past. Boats would raft together usually in Chimney Cove, which is well protected from wind, and spend the night.

Along those lines are Saturday flotillas where several boats go out together and sail together and optionally raft up during the day. It helps to draw attention to the club and sailing in particular.

Another popular event is dock parties. Food is cooked on the grill and with plenty of time to socialize on the docks. Those with boats are encouraged to spend the night on the boat.

Christmas boat parade. This event has been tried in the past, but often the weather is very unpredictable that time of year. Getting people to commit to it has been challenging in the past. But it is something to look at.

The luncheon we had last summer had a really good turn out, and is something the club should look at doing again.

Ben Hooks also mentioned having a speaker for an event. He is still trying to get North Sails to come explain their process for their new 3EDi sail material. Events such as that are open to all, often inviting other clubs to attend.

Ashley Tackett suggested a movie night would be an event to consider. Different options and locations are possible.

For social events, Ben and Laura suggested rotating hosts for the social events. That way the burden isn’t always on one person. They use that system in other clubs they are in.

Some comments from the members on how the club could improve included a comment from Brent Boyle, on better communication on events. He recalled one event where he wasn’t sure which of two locations for a Third Friday was the correct one.

Jim Stevenson noted he looked at events other clubs had, and basically they were all the same as the types that are proposed for our club.

Tom Roupe suggested emails or messages when others are planning to go out sailing that would encourage others to sail.



Election of Directors and Officers


No nominations were received from the members for the two full term director positions of John Springer and Ben Hooks, or for filling the partial terms of Rick Walker, and Chunk Brazell. By a voice vote with no objections from the floor, all candidates were elected For 2023.

John Springer and Ben Hooks were reelected to three year terms. Brent Boyle was elected to fill Rick Walker’s two year term, and Peter Pitonak was elected to fill Chuck Brazell’s one year remaining term. Steve Lowe, and Rich Munson will continue as non-voting board advisors.


For the year 2023 term, the board recommend officers were.

Ashley Tackett – Commodore.

Ben Hooks – Vice Commodore.

John Springer – Treasurer.

Lynn Easley – Secretary.


The officers for 2023 were approved by voice vote with no objections.




Closing Statement from Ashley Tackett


Thanked all the great members for their support of the club. And will probably be leaning on the members during her term as Commodore. She suggested head shot pictures of the members, also suggested was pictures of the members and their boats.


Next Monthly Meeting:


The next monthly meeting is scheduled for February 11 at 11:30 at Smoke Monkey.





Motion to adjourn was accepted by acclimation.