1. February 12th, 2022

                    MONTHLY MEETING MINUTES


Present at meeting: Rick Walker, John Springer, Ben Hooks, Ashley Tackett, Nat Hart, Rich Munson, Mark Bartlett, and Lynn Easley.


Call to order by Rick Walker.


Present Minutes from last meeting


The minutes were presented by Lynn Easley.

Motion to accept by John Springer, seconded by Ashley Tackett.


Financial Report




Receipts through February 12, 2022 were $1,600, which are dues from sixteen members. Note: $200.00 of 2022 dues were received from two members in the prior year.




Disbursements through February 12, 2022 were $1,062.01 as follows:


$374.96 Social Annual Meeting.

$450.00 Storage Locker.

$100.00 Slip Rental.

$88.45 Barge Repairs.

$45.14 Phone.

$3.46 Copies.




Through February 12, 2022, we have a cash surplus of $626.44.


General Comments:


The cash balance at February 12, 2022 is $16,262.08. The cash balance one year ago was $17,514.04..


Treasures report accepted by acclimation.


Officer and Director Reports.


Ben Hooks - Suggested some repairs be made to the barge trailer in case we really do need to use the trailer to pull the barge out. The coupler hitch is set up for a 1 7/8” ball. Most trailers that size us a 2” hitch. The trailer tongue jack doesn’t work, suggested to replace that. The trailer also has a excessive tongue weight in addition to the trailer jack. Tires are a bit tired as well, but probably not practical to replace them as they would probably rot before the next time it is used.


Lynn Easley – Asked about having a Saturday race series. It was suggested the course would be similar to the fall Turkey race. Advantage would be several points of sail, and having the race on the Saline Bay and channel would be more convenient for the majority of the boats since most are based at Lake Palestine Marina. To reach the main part of the lake requires 45 minutes to an hour via motor or sailing. Several different starting scenarios were discussed. Either all starting at the same time, or having a delayed start for the faster boats. The series would consist of 10 races, with 5 in the spring, and 5 in the fall. Also the possibility of breaking it into separate spring and fall series.


Ashley Tackett – Jim Chase, an avid amateur astronomer would be interested in giving a presentation on the stars in the night time sky. Suggested with it being jointly hosted with Tyler Yacht Club, at their clubhouse. A tentative date of March 22 was suggested.

There is also a map of the stumps on Lake Palestine that would be useful to the Lake Palestine boaters.


Nat Hart – Inquired about a raft-up, currently one is scheduled in the fall. Mark Bartlett noted that pontoon boats like to do raft-ups as well.


Old Business

Slip Waiting List:


David Kinsey.

Still unknown if his boat would fit. The slip will probably be vacated by the time the slip renewal is due by April 1st.


New Business


Demonstration of an Eye Splice in three strand Nylon Rope by John Springer


John Springer would like to lead a session on putting an eye splice in 3 strand nylon line. He can supply sample lines for people to learn how to do it. Tentatively scheduled for March 2nd, possibly in conjunction with Tyler Yacht Club.


Ideals for Increasing Membership:


Mark Bartlett offered several suggestions for increasing the membership of LPYC. One option was to collect addresses of lake front owners to address issues in common with the lake. Rick Walker noted that all the communities have neighborhood next door newsletters, and that would be a good way to reach many of the owners inexpensively.

Another suggestion would be to fly the LPYC banners around the lake at the various members boat houses. One could even make a 2’ by 4’ sign to be posted on the boat houses to help get the name recognition out there.

He also suggested revising the club mission statement to be more inclusive of power boaters. Sometimes the word “Yacht” leads to a negative perception of large fancy boats. Noting that pontoon boaters enjoy some of the same recreational activities. While in previous years the club has had some power boaters, there currently are no active power boaters in the club.


Seminar on Electricity on Boats and Docks:


Mark Bartlett would like to conduct a seminar on proper electrical wiring on boats and docks to reduce galvanic corrosion and electrical shock prevention based on recommendations from ABYC (American Boating and Yacht Council).

Date and Time of Next Meeting:


The next monthly meeting is scheduled for March 12th at Smoke Monkey Restaurant (Previously Purple Pig) at 11:00 AM.




Motion to adjourn by Ben Hooks, seconded by John Springer.