LPYC 2016 Annual Meeting



On January 16th, 2016 members of the LPYC gathered at Hollytree Country Club to hold their annual meeting.  Hollytree provided a BBQ buffet for the members.


Commodore Rick Walker opened the meeting and made a special announcement  concerning  the appointment of  Ben Hooks to fill an empty director position.


Minutes from the last annual meeting were approved, and reports from officers were given.


The officers and directors for 2016 were voted upon and installed, with Steve Lowe as the new Commodore, John Owens as the new Vice Commodore, and John Springer remaining as Treasurer, and Lynn Easley remaining as Secretary. The gavel was then passed to Steve Lowe, who awarded a plaque to Rick for his service to the club.

The club then discussed possible expenditures and events and goals for the coming year. After many new ideals, the meeting was adjourned.