On January 18th, 17 members plus guests met at Clear Springs Restaurant in Tyler Texas for our annual meeting. After enjoying the the meal, Rick Walker our Commodore called the meeting to order.
Reports by the Treasury, Secretary Officers, and Social Director were given Conditions of current marina facilities on Lake Palestine were discussed, along with future possibilities. Recognition for Monty Shank was given for his support for new marina faculties. Recognition for club members for their support of the club, and trophies for the sailboat race winners. See the Annual Meeting Minutes for January 2014 for all the details..
Officers for the upcoming year were installed. John Springer and Warren Lyon were re-elected as directors. Rick Walker will remain as Commodore, Warren Lyon will assume role as Vice Commodore. John Springer will remain as Treasurer, and Lynn Easley will remain as Secretary for the upcoming year.
After closing remarks, the meeting was adjourned.